Tel: 07983 439199
So let me just explain how hypnosis works. Our mind has a conscious, unconscious &
subconscious part. The subconscious is like the database of our mind, storing everything
that we have already learned.
Have you ever been driving & wondered “How did I get here“? not remembering part
of your journey, if so, this is because you was in a hypnotic state, you had made this
journey many times that it didn’t require your conscious mind, yet if you had needed to
make an emergency stop your conscious mind would have kicked in.
Hypnosis is a relaxed state, during this relaxed state it is possible to bypass the crucial
critical faculty, which is the part between the conscious & subconscious mind to make
a direct positive change to the subconscious, thus changing old behaviours.
It can be used to alleviate fears & phobias.
It can assist clients who want to stop smoking & lose weight.
It can also help in alleviating stress & anxiety.